Sunday, July 12

Domain....? what is it?

What is it ?

If we visisting a website. of course you must type a name of that website. for example. http://IT-ZONER.BLOGSPOT.COM. is a domain. Domain from Domain is a unique and no name of domain will be same as other.

Many domain level will you find in internet. like .com , .info , .edu and many more.
let's me explain about top level domain

  • .com ---> top level domain. very very popular domain. COM means commercial.
  • info ---> INFO means information. So if you have .info domain. people will suggest your site is about information.
  • edu ---> means education, so about education only.
  • bizz ---> means business. yupz it's all about business here.
  • many more level domain will you find.
So choose your name for your domain. pay it and promote your site.

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