Saturday, August 29


There’s been another round of ‘blogging is dead’ posts doing the rounds of late and as a result I’ve had a number of emails hitting my inbox over the last week from bloggers asking if they should stop blogging.

Here’s some of the advice I’ve been sharing:

  • Blogging is not dead - it’s new and now evolving.
  • Your blog should be evolving too
  • Keep being useful, keep solving problems and keep meeting needs - whatever the medium this is key.
  • Keep produce contents - people continue to search the web for content in huge numbers. It’s not all about network - whether it be text, video or audio - keep producing content.
  • Experiment with different mediums - to the best of your ability keep abreast of the ‘new’ mediums that are emerging.
  • Don’t be Precious about your ‘Blog’ and be open to change - there’s no one ‘right’ way to blog. Blogs can have comments or not have comments, have full RSS feeds or partial ones, look like a traditional blog or act and look more like a lifestream or portal. The key is to know what you want to achieve and let that shape what you do with your blog.
  • Build a ‘Home Base’ - many people flit from one medium to another and end up with nothing of their own.
  • Build a Brand - the mediums are tools. They’ll come and go in time - the key is to build something that lasts beyond them.
  • Don’t abandon your blog too quickly - your primary efforts may move into a different medium but blogs can be an important part of the mix of what you do online. Don’t abandon your blog - build upon it, let it evolve, leverage what you’ve already built and use it where appropriate in the mix of what you do.

My last piece of advice is particularly for those with limited time or capacity to fully engage with all of the mediums and tools that are currently at our fingertips.

I think the key is to engage with the new technologies to the point that you’re able but to know when to stop and focus upon what you already have in front of you.

The problem as I see it is that whether it be a blog, a Twitter presence, a podcast or some other kind of website or presence - it takes time to build these things up to successful levels. If you only give a medium a short time before moving to the next one you’ll just end up with a trail of abandoned accounts and sites behind you.

I see a lot of people running from one thing to the next and not really achieving anything. They live in a constant state of distraction and experimentation. There’s nothing wrong with new things and testing them out - but unless you’re fortunate enough to have a lot of spare time or an amazing capacity not to sleep there comes a time where you need to choose a handful of things to do (or even just one) and to do it to the best of your ability.

What do you think? How are you approaching what you do in this ever changing web?

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